Health & Safety in the construction environment – Assignment one

Please complete these questions and then submit them to your assessor for marking and feedback.

1.1 What is the purpose of a risk assessment?

1.1b What is the purpose of a method statement?

1.2 What are the legal requirements of risk assessment and method statements?

 Risk assessment:

Method Statement:

1.3 What are the common causes of work-related:

  • a) fatalities
  • b) injuries

1.4 What implications could there be for not preventing accidents and ill health at work?

1.5 State the meaning of the following in relation to health and safety at work:

  • Accidents
  • Near Miss
  • Hazard
  • Risk
  • Competence

1.6 Identify one potential hazard AND one potential risk associated with the following:

  • Resources
  • Equipment
  • Obstruction
  • storage
  • Services
  • Waste
  • Work activities

1.7 Why is it important to report all accidents and near misses?

1.8 What are the typical accident reporting procedures?

1.9 Who is responsible for making accident reports?

1.10 What is the purpose of dynamic risk assessment?

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