Welcome to unit one of the Level 1 Award in Information, Advice or Guidance.

Introduce Yourself

Tell other learners about yourself and find out who you’ll be learning with.

This unit enables learners to develop an understanding of information, advice or guidance practice. It helps learners to develop the communication and interpersonal skills used in working with clients and improve their understanding of referral and when to signpost clients.

This unit has 3 learning outcomes.

  1. Understand appropriate contexts for the delivery of information, advice or guidance.
  2. Demonstrate awareness of the importance of effective communication skills in information, advice or guidance delivery.
  3. Demonstrate good practice when referring or signposting clients.

The unit is structured in the following way :

Lesson 1: What is Information, Advice or Guidance

Lesson 2: Questioning Techniques

Lesson 3: Communication Skills

Lesson 4: Record Keeping

Lesson 5: Signposting and Referring

Lesson 6: Gathering Feedback

Unit Assignments


At the end of each lesson, you will find a link to a quiz. The quiz will include questions that will provide you with the opportunity to show your understanding of the lesson, through answering key questions that meet the assessment criteria for the unit.

Read each question carefully and use the text box to provide your answer. You will be able to take the quiz again, should you wish to revisit and further develop your answers.

From the unit assignment page, you will be able to access all of the quizzes from the unit. All of the unit quizzes must be completed.

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