Boundaries / Guidelines

  1. Dress appropriately depending on situation – Smart and business like
  2. Work flexibly – both ways
  3. Recording of time worked to the nearest 5 minutes – on timesheets daily
  4. Lunch ½ hour break must be taken and will not be paid for
  5. Only emergency calls to be taken in work time
  6. Telephone sickness every day before 9 am
  7. Everyone is a customer so treat them appropriately
  8. Personal internet usage not permitted unless agreed with your immediate manager
  9. Answering telephone calls is everyone’s responsibility
  10. Equipment to be signed out by named person only
  11. Work across a range of duties
  12. Be open and honest
  13. If unsure ask or find out
  14. Discuss issues of concern
  15. If you have ideas about work, please share them
  16. Personal copying or printing not permitted unless prior consent given
  17. Please discuss training/support needs with the appropriate manager
  18. Regular reviews/supervision given quarterly and must be attended
  19. Only statutory sick pay will be paid when sick
  20. Confidentiality a must
  21. Office environment must be respected
  22. Weekly planner and performance/achievement to be produced by every Friday (this is not a whole day exercise but ½ hour) and emailed every Friday by 10 am for discussion.
  • Targets to be agreed and to be achieved on a monthly but monitored on a weekly basis.


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