
Let’s take a course break and find out from you about what you’ve learned and any questions you may have.

Here is a summary of what we have covered so far. Consider these points as you reflect on the section:

  • Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education previously called Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), is a form of sex education taught in UK schools. It focuses on exploring the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, having relationships, engaging in sex, and learning about human sexuality and sexual health.
  • Relationships and sex education became a statutory subject from 1 September 2020. Schools in England must follow the new Government guidance and provide this. RSE was granted a phased start in due to Covid-19 disruption. With schools required to have started delivery by April 2021.  All children and young people in England can now expect RSE and Health Education to be provided as part of their primary and secondary education. 
  • Parents/carers can withdraw children from RSE up until 3 months before their 16th birthday.
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