Prevent Policy

Preventing violent and non-violent extremism and radicalisation

The purpose of this policy is to:  

  • Ensure an awareness of Prevent within the company 
  • Provide a clear framework to structure and inform our response to safeguarding concerns, including a supportive referral process for those who may be susceptible to the messages of extremism  
  • Embed British Values into the curriculum/courses and ways of working  
  • Recognise current practice which contributes to the Prevent agenda  
  • Identify areas for improvement 

Who does this policy apply to?  

The Prevent Policy applies to everyone working at, with or attending company premises/courses.  

Policy Statement 

The aim of the Prevent Policy is to create and maintain a safe, healthy and supportive learning and working environment for our learners, staff and visitors alike. We recognise that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can lead to poor outcomes for learners. We further recognise that if we fail to challenge extremist views, we are failing to protect our learners from potential harm. As such the Prevent agenda will be addressed as a safeguarding concern. 

The company has adopted the Prevent Duty in accordance with legislative requirements. However, we will endeavour to incorporate the relevant duties so as not to: 

  1. Stifle legitimate discussions, debate or learner engagement activities in the local community; or  
  1. Stereotype, label or single out individuals based on their origins, ethnicity, faith and beliefs or any other characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010. 

Why do we need this policy? 

Background information  

Prevent is one of 4 strands of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy – CONTEST. The UK currently faces a range of terrorist threats. Terrorist groups who pose a threat to the UK seek to radicalise and recruit people to their cause. Therefore, early intervention is at the heart of Prevent which aims to divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity. 

Prevent happens before any criminal activity takes place by recognising, supporting and protecting people who might be susceptible to radicalisation. 

The national Prevent Duty confers mandatory duties and responsibilities on a range of public organisations, including training providers, and seeks to: 

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views 
  • Provide practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and violent extremism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support 
  • Work with a wide range of sectors where there are risks of radicalisation which needs to be addressed, including education, criminal justice, faith, the internet and health. 

The Government has created a system of ‘threat level’ which represents the likelihood of a terrorist attack in the near future. The current threat level from international terrorism in the UK is severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely. 

The purpose of this policy is to:  

  • Ensure an awareness of Prevent within the company 
  • Provide a clear framework to structure and inform our response to safeguarding concerns, including a supportive referral process for those who may be susceptible to the messages of extremism  
  • Embed British Values into the curriculum/courses and ways of working  
  • Recognise current practice which contributes to the Prevent agenda  
  • Identify areas for improvement 

Who does this policy apply to?  

The Prevent Policy applies to everyone working at, with or attending company premises/courses.  

Policy Statement 

The aim of the Prevent Policy is to create and maintain a safe, healthy and supportive learning and working environment for our learners, staff and visitors alike. We recognise that extremism and exposure to extremist materials and influences can lead to poor outcomes for learners. We further recognise that if we fail to challenge extremist views, we are failing to protect our learners from potential harm. As such the Prevent agenda will be addressed as a safeguarding concern. 

The company has adopted the Prevent Duty in accordance with legislative requirements. However, we will endeavour to incorporate the relevant duties so as not to: 

  1. Stifle legitimate discussions, debate or learner engagement activities in the local community; or  
  1. Stereotype, label or single out individuals based on their origins, ethnicity, faith and beliefs or any other characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010. 

Why do we need this policy? 

Background information  

Prevent is one of 4 strands of the Government’s counter terrorism strategy – CONTEST. The UK currently faces a range of terrorist threats. Terrorist groups who pose a threat to the UK seek to radicalise and recruit people to their cause. Therefore, early intervention is at the heart of Prevent which aims to divert people away from being drawn into terrorist activity. 

Prevent happens before any criminal activity takes place by recognising, supporting and protecting people who might be susceptible to radicalisation. 

The national Prevent Duty confers mandatory duties and responsibilities on a range of public organisations, including training providers, and seeks to: 

  • Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views 
  • Provide practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and violent extremism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support 
  • Work with a wide range of sectors where there are risks of radicalisation which needs to be addressed, including education, criminal justice, faith, the internet and health. 

The Government has created a system of ‘threat level’ which represents the likelihood of a terrorist attack in the near future. The current threat level from international terrorism in the UK is severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely. 

Our Prevent Policy has five key objectives: 

  1. To promote and reinforce shared values, including British Values (British Values are detailed within the Prevent Duty and include democracy, the rule of law, Individual and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.); to create space for free and open debate; and to listen and support the learner voice 
  1. To breakdown segregation among different learner communities including by supporting inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue and understanding; and to engage all learners in playing a full and active role in wider engagement in society 
  1. To ensure learner safety and that the company is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination 
  1. To provide support for learners who may be at risk of radicalisation, and appropriate sources of advice and guidance 
  1. To ensure that learners and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in preventing violent and non-violent extremism 


The following are commonly agreed definitions within the Prevent agenda: 

  • An ideology is a set of beliefs 
  • Radicalisation is the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and forms of extremism that may lead to terrorism 
  • Safeguarding is the process of protecting vulnerable people, whether from crime, other forms of abuse or from being drawn into terrorism-related activity 
  • Terrorism is an action that endangers or causes serious violence, damage or disruption and is intended to influence the government or to intimidate the public and is made with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological 
  • Vulnerability describes factors and characteristics associated with being susceptible to radicalisation 
  • Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values, including democracy, the rule of law, Individual and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs 


Leadership and Values 

To create and maintain a training organisation ethos that upholds core values of shared responsibility and wellbeing for all learners, staff and visitors whilst promoting respect, equality and diversity and understanding. 

This will be achieved through: 

  • Promoting core values of respect, equality and diversity, democratic society, learner voice and participation 
  • Building staff and student understanding of the issues and confidence to deal with them through mandatory staff training, specialist tutorials, awareness campaigns and community engagement activities 
  • Deepening engagement with local communities and faith groups 
  • Actively working with GMP Prevent Team on 0161 856 6345 or the Channel Team on 0161 856 6362 or 

Teaching and Learning 

To provide a curriculum that promotes British Values, knowledge, skills and understanding, to build the resilience of students by undermining extremist ideology and supporting the learner voice. 

This will be achieved through: 

  • Embedding British Values, equality, diversity and inclusion, wellbeing and community cohesion throughout the curriculum 
  • Promoting wider skills development such as social and emotional aspects of learning 
  • A curriculum adapted to recognise local needs, challenge extremist narratives and promote universal rights 
  • Teaching, learning and assessment strategies that explore controversial issues in a way that promotes critical analysis and pro-social values 
  • Use of external programmes or groups to support learning while ensuring that the input supports us in our goals and values 
  • Encouraging active citizenship and learner voice 

Learner Support 

To ensure that staff take preventative and responsive steps, working with partner professionals, families and communities. 

This will be achieved through: 

  • Strong, effective and responsive learner support 
  • Developing strong community links and being aware of what is happening in the locality, including within the company’s own community 
  • Implementing anti-bullying strategies and challenging discriminatory behaviour 
  • Recognising factors that may increase risk to a learner, i.e., vulnerability, disadvantage, or hardship, and implementing early risk management strategies 
  • Ensuring that learners and staff know how to access support in the company and/or via community partners 
  • Supporting learners with problem solving and repair of harm 
  • Supporting ‘at risk’ learners through safeguarding and crime prevention processes 
  • Focusing on narrowing the attainment gap between the different groups of learners 
  • Working collaboratively to promote support for students across all areas of the company, including those students in off-site provision 

Roles and responsibilities 

Whilst this is a standalone policy, it is integral to our Safeguarding Policy and should be applied as an extension to the company’s current and established safeguarding procedures. 

All staff members have a legal responsibility under the Prevent Duty to make sure they have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty. Additionally, the managers must ensure that: 

  • all staff have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty 
  • all staff are aware of when it is appropriate to refer concerns about learners, or colleagues to the Safeguarding Officer 
  • all staff exemplify British Values into their values 
  • policies and procedures to implement the Prevent Duty are in place and acted on where appropriate. 

Prevent Lead for the company 

All senior managers are the Prevent Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead – Esu Hill, with responsibility for ensuring that our Prevent Strategy is implemented across the company and that any concerns are shared with the relevant organisations, in order to minimise the risk of our learners becoming involved with terrorism. 

Safeguarding and Prevent meeting 

The Safeguarding and Prevent meet termly and any concerns raised under the Prevent agenda or changes to the Duty that affect the company are discussed within this meeting. 

All Staff 

All staff at the company have a responsibility to: 

  • create and support an ethos that upholds the company’s mission, vision and values including British Values, to create an environment of respect, equality and diversity and inclusion; 
  • attend Prevent training in order to have the skills to recognise those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation, involved in violent or non-violent extremism, and to know the appropriate action to take if they have concerns; 
  • report any concerns around extremism or radicalisation via the safeguarding reporting channels; 
  • report and remove any literature displayed around the company that could cause offense or promote extremist views; 
  • support the development of staff and learner understanding of the issues around extremism and radicalisation through activities such as training, awareness campaigns and tutorials; 
  • participate in engagement with local communities, schools and external organisations as appropriate. 

Managing Risks and Responding to Events 

The company will ensure that it monitors risks and is ready to deal appropriately with issues which arise through the following: 

  • Understanding the nature of threat from violent extremism and how this may impact directly and indirectly on the company 
  • Identifying, understanding and managing potential risks within the company from external influences 
  • Responding appropriately to events reported via local, national or international news that may impact on learners and communities. 
  • Ensuring plans are in place to minimise the potential for acts of violent or non-violent extremism within the company 
  • Ensuring measures are in place to respond appropriately to a threat or incident within the company. 
  • Continuously developing effective ICT security and responsible user policies 
  • Ensuring compliance with related policies 

Who needs to understand this policy and how will they know about it? 

Prevent training for all staff, learners and mangers is mandatory and will be delivered by the following methods: 

Who? How 
Learners Prevent awareness included in leaner induction sessions and in the Student Handbook. Information about Prevent delivered through tutorials and resources, and via attendance at and participation in Prevent and British Values related learner activities. Policy available electronically. 
All staff & managers Receive mandatory training and updates; briefings by senior managers ‘All Staff’ e-mails; visits to team meetings by Prevent leads if requested. Copies of the policy to be distributed, undertake mandatory training and updates 

Policy Summary 

Our commitment to meeting the Prevent Duty can be summarised as follows: 

P Promotion of Equality and Diversity and positive relationships between staff and learners 
R Referral of any concerns via Safeguarding staff to relevant authorities 
E Embedding British Values and education for learners on all courses 
V Vetting guest speakers and removal of any posters or other materials of an extremist nature 
E Environment – a safe and secure site, sufficient security procedures and online filters 
N News monitoring for any concerns in the locality 
T Training of staff to raise awareness of the signs and risks 
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