Fire Safety Policy Statement

1. Introduction 

1.1. The Training Brokers, as an employer, has a duty under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order) to carry out a formalised risk assessment to determine the fire risks to its employees and other persons associated with its workplace. 

1.2. The purpose of the assessment is to enable the employer (the Responsible Person) to determine any remedial actions necessary to comply with the above Order by ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of its employees and other relevant persons whilst at the workplace. 

1.3. This Order requires TTB to: 

  • Carry out a standalone Fire Risk Assessment of the workplace; 
  • Identify any significant findings of the risk assessment and to record these findings; 
  • Provide and maintain such fire precautions as are necessary to safeguard employees, learners, members of the public and contractors; 
  • Provide appropriate training of employees in prevention, evacuation and emergency procedures; 
  • Provide information on hazards and risks that may be present within the workplace; 
  • Provide and maintain a management system that ensures the foregoing requirements are met and satisfactorily monitored and reviewed. 

1. Introduction 

1.1. The Training Brokers, as an employer, has a duty under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (the Fire Safety Order) to carry out a formalised risk assessment to determine the fire risks to its employees and other persons associated with its workplace. 

1.2. The purpose of the assessment is to enable the employer (the Responsible Person) to determine any remedial actions necessary to comply with the above Order by ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety of its employees and other relevant persons whilst at the workplace. 

1.3. This Order requires TTB to: 

  • Carry out a standalone Fire Risk Assessment of the workplace; 
  • Identify any significant findings of the risk assessment and to record these findings; 
  • Provide and maintain such fire precautions as are necessary to safeguard employees, learners, members of the public and contractors; 
  • Provide appropriate training of employees in prevention, evacuation and emergency procedures; 
  • Provide information on hazards and risks that may be present within the workplace; 
  • Provide and maintain a management system that ensures the foregoing requirements are met and satisfactorily monitored and reviewed. 

2. Policy and Organisation 

2.1. To manage all fire related hazards by the completion of a fire risk assessment that implements appropriate control measures in order to reduce the risk of fire to an acceptable level. Where hazards are unable to be averted altogether, TTB shall ensure that the risks to its employees and visitors are minimised. 

2.2. The Main Fire Risk Assessment will be carried out by a competent person(s) nominated by TTB who will detail the hazards and risks. TTB shall ensure that remedial actions, where necessary, are initiated to minimise any risk to its employees, learners and visitors to its premises. 

2.3. The Manager’s is responsible for ensuring any accommodation type actions identified within the Fire Risk Assessments are implemented. 

2.4. The Health and Safety Advisor is responsible for ensuring any procedural actions identified within the Fire Risk Assessments are implemented. 

2.5. All employees shall be trained in fire preventative measures, evacuation and emergency procedures. This will take place on a regular basis. Any employee who discovers a hazard during working activities shall report the hazard to their line manager so that the necessary remedial action can be taken. 

2.6. An assessment of any alterations or changes to the premises or systems shall identify the need to review the Fire Risk Assessment between the regular reviews as appropriate. Plans and costs for the updating of the Fire Risk Assessment will be included within project plans as appropriate. 

2.7. In accordance with the Fire Safety Order 2005, a written record of any significant findings of the Fire Risk Assessment will be kept. 

2.8. Any record of a workplace hazard, along with the associated risk and consequent control measures identified shall be available to all members of staff and enforcement authorities via the Health and Safety section of the Policies and Procedures folder. 

2.9. TTB shall maintain a management system that monitors the hazards, risks and control measures identified within the Fire Risk Assessment. The assessment shall be reviewed where any changes to the workplace are identified, and any necessary remedial action processed. 

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