- Your initial employment is conditional upon the provision of a satisfactory Disclosure and Barring Certificate of a level appropriate to your post. You will be required to consent to subsequent criminal record checks from time to time during your employment as deemed appropriate by the Company. In the event that such certificate(s) are not supplied your employment with us will be terminated. The Company will fund your check however, if you leave within a year the cost of the check will be deducted from your final payment.
- If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted from your next payment but if this would cause hardship, arrangements may be made for the overpayment to be recovered over a longer period.
- Lateness or absence may result in disciplinary action and/or loss of appropriate payment.
- If you are an Assessor, you are required to complete and submit timesheets as directed in order to ensure that you receive the correct payment. Incorrectly completed, or late submission of, timesheets may result in incorrect or delayed payment of wages. Deliberate falsification of timesheets will be regarded as a disciplinary offence and may lead to your summary dismissal.
- For office-based staff, we operate a sign in/sign out policy with which all office-based employees are expected to comply. Upon arrival to work, you must immediately sign in the time you entered the premises. Upon leaving the premises you must ensure that you sign out using the same system. It is not permissible under any circumstances for any employee to sign in or out on behalf of another. In the event that you forget or are unable to do this for any reason you must report this to your immediate Manager immediately. The information collated using this system is used as a roll call in the event of an evacuation, to ensure employees are paid accurately and for monitoring purposes. It is therefore imperative that the information is accurate. You should be aware that falsifying records is considered a gross misconduct offence in accordance with our disciplinary procedures. Failure to adhere to this procedure may result to incorrect or delayed payment of salaries and/or in summary dismissal.
- If there is a temporary shortage of work for any reason, we will try to maintain your continuity of employment even if this necessitates placing you on short time working, or alternatively, lay off. If you are placed on short time working, your pay will be reduced according to time actually worked. If you are placed on lay off, you will receive no pay other than statutory guarantee pay.
- Any damage to stock or property (including non-statutory safety equipment) that is the result of your carelessness, negligence or deliberate vandalism will render you liable to pay the full or part of the cost of repair or replacement.
Any loss to us that is the result of your failure to observe rules, procedures or instruction, or is as a result of your negligent behaviour or your unsatisfactory standards of work will render you liable to reimburse to us the full or part of the cost of the loss.
In the event of failure to pay, such costs will be deducted from your pay.
- If you are an allocated key holder, you must ensure that all procedures and guidelines are followed when securing the building prior to leaving. The keys and any security measure such as alarm codes must be kept safe at all times. You must not give the keys or alarm code to any third party unless authorisation is obtained from a Manager. Any loss or damage caused as a result of your failure to follow procedures or your negligence in ensuring the safekeeping of the keys and alarm code will result in disciplinary action which could lead to your summary dismissal. We also reserve the right to deduct the cost of any loss, repair or replacement from any monies owing to you.
- If you arrive for work and, in our opinion, you are not fit to work, we reserve the right to exercise our duty of care if we believe that you may not be able to undertake your duties in a safe manner or may pose a safety risk to others, and send you away for the remainder of the day with or without pay and, dependent on the circumstances, you may be liable to disciplinary action.
- If you terminate your employment without giving or working the required period of notice, as indicated in your individual statement of main terms of employment, you will have an amount equal to any additional cost of covering your duties during the notice period not worked deducted from any termination pay due to you. You will also forfeit any contractual accrued holiday pay due to you over and above your statutory holiday pay, if you fail to give or work the required period of notice.
- On the termination of your employment, you must return all our property which is in your possession or for which you have responsibility. Failure to return such items will result in the cost of the items being deducted from any monies outstanding to you.
I have read and I understand the above terms. I agree that they form part of my Contract of Employment.
Employee Signature: ______________________________
Date signed: _____________________________________